ISBN  9781285848457

World English 3 - Intermediate - Printed Workbook

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Autor  Kristin L. Johannsen
Condicion  Nuevo

The World English series brings amazing stories about our planet and compelling ideas from around the world to the classroom. Riveting images fascinating topics and inspiring video will motivate learners to engage with ideas and each other. The second edition of World English introduces students to some of the world s most fascinating people and places and builds upon an effective competency-based approach to provide 21st century learners with the English skills needed for success. - See more at: Ntt=pathways%7C%7C200227076013457509816675832041612707593&N=4294918604+200+4294918367&Ntk=NGL%7C%7CP_EPI&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial#AboutTheProduct.