ISBN  9788492837496

Dejad de Lloriquear: Sobre Una Generacion y Sus Problemas Superfluos

$ 36.290,00

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Autor  Meredith Haaf
Editorial  Alpha Decay
Condicion  Nuevo

Written by a child of the 1980s this painstaking analysis of those born during that decade examines their miseries their virtues and their defects with pragmatism wit intelligence objectivity passion indifference and a dose of bad-temperedness. Meredith Haaf confronts the prejudices that surround her so-called Lost generation in order to paint a portrait of a group of young people trapped either in careers chosen for their convenience or interminable academic pursuits condemned to instability in their professional and personal lives lacking any sort of political or social consciousness and longing for the comforting and secure childhoods they left behind. This book is a shout into the ears of a generation to put its apathy aside stop complaining about a state of affairs it considers irreversible and cease its unproductive whining to take up the baton with idealism a sense of responsibility and a political and social consciousness in one of the most disheartening periods in recent history.