ISBN  9786071625731

Establecidos y Marginados. Una Investigacion Sociologica Sobre Problemas Comunitarios

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Medios de Pago Digitales


Realizar Pedido Pago en Local


Autor  John L. Scotson Norbert Elias
Condicion  Nuevo

Published for the first time in 1965 its origin is a study of a community in the center of England made by John Scotson teacher of a local school interested in juvenile delinquency in the decade of 1950 and the early years of the next one. However in hands of Norbert Elias one of the most renowned sociologists of the twentieth century this local study was remade to shine light on social processes through the analysis of marginalization s effects and experiences of the people in and out of the traditional society s limits. It examines how a group of people can monopolize the possibilities of power and use them to exclude an stigmatize the members of another similar group (through gossip for example) and how its experienced by the collective images of both groups.