ISBN  9788418524042

El Metodo Mori

$ 21.600,00

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Autor  Takuro Mori
Editorial  Kitsune Books
Condicion  Nuevo

We all know how important it is to stretch and exercise our muscles but sometimes we don t feel like doing it and we look for excuses. The Mori method is ideal for all those people who have little time but still want to feel good and change their shape. The author Takuro Mori is one of the best known personal trainers in Japan where he works with models and actresses of all ages and in this book she presents the revolutionary Mori method a program of simple stretches with which in just one month you will be able to strengthen and stylize your legs. The program is divided into four levels each with its own routine with which you will work all the muscles of the lower body and correct your posture without any effort.