ISBN  9788418524011

El Raton de Biblioteca 5

$ 21.600,00

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Autor  Miya Kazuki
Editorial  Kitsune Books
Categoria  Novela Gráfica
Condicion  Nuevo

Myne meets Fridda the Guild s dean s granddaughter whom he makes exclusive hair ornaments and a beautiful friendship emerges between them. Additionally Myne and Lutz enthusiastically prepare for their winter jobs determined to become successful merchants with Benno s help. Everything seems to be going smoothly until Myne discovers that the disease she suffers from is very serious and the cure is very expensive. The young woman decides to use all of her knowledge to sell new products and raise money for treatment but her illness takes hold of her once again ... Things are not looking good for Myne. A tender and funny story that will delight readers who love to read..