ISBN  9789876146050

Una vida crítica

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Autor  María Gainza
Editorial  CIRAOLO
Condicion  Nuevo

If María Gainza is already known to the Spanish reader it is for the recent success of her fascinating El Nervio Optico (The Optic Nerve Anagrama 2017) but in Argentina she had already had a lifetime of writing texts on art with that style of hers so unique intriguing and un academic. This book brings together more than thirty of her precious pieces about artists unedited so far in Spain. "Their starting points are exhibits but these are immediately transformed into something broader: a cultural thermometer. It is one of the lessons - perhaps involuntary - of this book: all works coexist at the same time on the same horizon forming a great mosaic of stetics that are enhanced even by being ground or ignored. Without footnotes without a heavy cluster of bibliographies that come to sustain a critical apparatus we appreciate that there are still those who possess such a mastery in ellipsis." (From Rafael Cippolini s prologue).