ISBN  9788491119739

Avalon. Oraculo de la Conexion

$ 48.500,00

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Autor  Nina Llinares
Editorial  Obelisco
Categoria  Tarots
Condicion  Nuevo

Avalon oracle of connection is an excellent guide to strengthen your bond with the wisdom and magic of this sacred place. You will feel the connection in each one of its cards in each one of its messages and reflections in each one of its images. If you have already been to Glastonbury/Avalon you will recall and expand the bond that this blessed land offers you. And if you have not physically been you will remember that in some special and unmistakable way you belong to this sacred place one of the most special places of power that exists on Earth. Nina Llinares offers you in this oracle all the love and connection that she has experienced through more than twenty-five years of connection with each of the places of power located in the lands of the goddess Avalon the sacred island and its material counterpart Glastonbury "the place of the shining crystal". This oracle will reinforce in you the attunement with the legacy of the goddess of the priestesses of Avalon and of the magic and wisdom of each one of the enclaves of wisdom of these lands so that you can feel the connection with yourself at a deep level of transformation in your questions reflections meditations using these cards as what they are a specially magical oracle and also as a practical message for your day to day life in the form of a message..